Monday, December 27, 2010

i want to get out of albany...

Today couldn't have started off better, or ended up worse. It snowed like a blizzard all last night and when I woke up at 6.30 I kneeww I wasn't going to be rushing out into the snow to get to work early... [ I just love it when there's an excuse for me to take my time ].  So I stayed in bed and didn't get up til 7.45, which felt like a whole other night's rest. On the way to work I even stopped to get Starbucks along the way... [ hey, the snow could have been like 5 more inches then it really was... and I could have gotten stuck along the way... any excuse would suffice to get myself a Starbucks ].

Then, upon showing up at work I realized there was hardly anyone in. It was literally all of the interns/ younger people, Karen the lady at our front desk, and two older guys [who somehow missed the older-people-are-smart-and-stay-home memo]. Sooo, I slowly got to work... there was a lot of talking between me and Tyler and I could tell people on the other side of the studio were taking prolonged periods of time to make huge batches of coffee to offset their work... And then Tyler got a call from our boss Daria. She told him that she got shingles and has been in bed for the past few days... which is completely horrible and must be really painful, but it also meant no boss was coming into work for the day... basically a snow day for us! Karen even ordered pizza and we watched snl in the boardroom! Wow... what an awesome start to a Monday! Time began to drag though, and after a while I had nothing left to do, so Tyler offered to drive me home and we left at around 2.30... a fast break for a day that even started late.

Of course, the bad part of the day had arrive at some point... It started when I got home. Mom was taking my stuff and using it... so I asked her why she didn't ask and instead of being civil or normal... she had to go and yell at me about how I don't even use the boots she borrowed... which is completely false and just her trying to come up with some extraneous reason as to why she's right. And then she got mad at me when I reminded her that I'm not allowed to borrow anything from anyone in the house without asking... even though she said it was okay for her to take my boots because 'they're old and I don't even use them anymore'... ugh it's like arguing with her in high school all over again. I don't know why she does it, or why she has to pick on me. If it were Ciara, she would ask her nicely or even if she didn't ask and Ciara brought it up, she'd at least act civil and bullshit and yell about it. Well things only got better from there... me, Ciara, and her went to the mall... and oh what a joy. I just wasn't talking to her for a while because of how bitchy she was back at home, but then after hours of watching Ciara try on boots and being dragged into extremely expensive jewelry stores by them... I wanted to try on dresses at Macy's.... and to my luck Mom was in an even nastier mood. Everything I tried on she had some mean comment for, and nothing she said made me feel good. It felt like high school when she'd laugh at me, or make fun of what I was wearing almost every day. All I goddamn wanted was a dress for New Year's and she had to make me feel like a cow. Oh, not to mention how she's the health freak and doesn't even cook for the family anymore... today's lunch and dinner was leftover pizza... wow manager of Jenny Craig... awesome going on helping your family stay healthy. Oye, I couldn't wait for break after having that horrible semester of being James' partner in DD, but now I am either dead tired, bored, or being picked on by my annoying mother. I kind of just want to get away.

- c

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