Thursday, July 15, 2010

parents of high schoolers

Okay, in case you want to take up a job for  high school campers, just be aware - their parents are CRAZY. I don't think it's clear to many of these parents that their children are going to be joining college communities in about a month, and yet they are still calling every day/night, madating bedtimes at ten, concerned for their teenagers walking two hundred feet [in the campus]. I can't tell you how many complaints we all got on the first day about the condition of the dorms, complaints about this that and the other thing, endless amounts of calling... and don't get me wrong, I am completely okay with parents being concerned for their children, being worried and whatnot, but this much control...? [crazy] I mean let's be honest here, when these kids get to college it's not going to be in mom and dad's home anymore and they are going to get away with alot more than they can even at this camp. Sorry, this was a vent that was needed for me, coming from an overprotective family I feel the concern for people in my situation, I was never given the chance to grow and expand, I had to rely on being a introvert, and I still have absolutely no confidence in myself, and it's probably due in part to the fact that I was never able to find out anything about myself until escaping off to college.

In other news, I like being on campus without the scare of architecture and those damn professors lurking around. It's so much more comforting knowing that I'm not being judged for work, how I look, who I am... all just because a group of emotionless people are vacant from Troy... huh. Alright, this is a pretty bitter post, but yesterday was really horrible, one of our campers - specifically one of mine left for home and I got the brunt of the anger from all my superiors which was no fun, especially because the decision was not mine, completely out of my hands, and yet I had to be faced with complaints from all angles. I really have to say that I enjoy being a camp counselor, it's almost something I feel like I should have tried a long time ago, and despite some of the downfalls of this specific camp, I will continue to enjoy my job. But I guess it just goes with the whole tend of 'taking care of people' and how jobs like this are at times the most rewarding - for those people you are helping - and at other times the worst nightmare of your life. I mean the family members of these people really see none of the effort, care, and concern we all have for their children, and yet come armed with more force than the army, ready to attack us for the smallest of issues. Whatever, if you're sitting there thinking I should have seen this coming - trust me, I did, it just sucks to deal.

- c

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